This summer, we have produced our third annual CIO Report. Ahead of the official publication date, LEE GANLY, our CIO here at Acora, shares his own thoughts on the main findings, the lessons learned, and what the next 12 months…

Like most of us, I’d hoped that 2021 would be something more like a ‘normal’ year. But of course, it wasn’t. Likewise, I’d more-or-less assumed I’d now be looking ahead to a bright, shiny ‘post-pandemic’ year in 2022. Doesn’t look…

As CIOs, we have a general sense of how people feel about IT. Some of this knowledge comes from formal measures like CSAT but we’re also plugged into anecdotal feedback when considering user experience. While it’s useful to know that…

We’re all familiar with The CIO Dilemma: ensuing zero IT problems day-to-day, while delivering the transformational change the business’s digital ambitions demand – simultaneously, with the same resources. The CIO Dilemma has been with us for at least a decade,…

OUT IN THE OPEN… Organisations are flooded with more data points than ever before. For CIOs, the constant challenge is collecting, collating and interpreting it, in order to make something relevant, useful and actionable. And it’s not just the sheer…

We could all be forgiven for looking back on the past year and saying, ‘this isn’t what I signed up for’. As IT leaders, we’ve faced the unique situation of going, almost literally overnight, from operating as single locations with…