The Acora Press Team

The Acora Press Team

The Reporting Dilemma

Applications are a key business component and they are constantly evolving to enhance your work processes.

One area specifically, which isn’t prioritised or spoken about enough is data. Many people don’t recognise how powerful your business data can be and what it can be used for. For example, competitive advantage, operational visibility and actionable insights. 

In this day and age, businesses are producing more data than ever from different sources and owners, at higher speeds. This presents operational challenges.  

Reporting on data can be difficult if it isn’t carried out correctly. It is time consuming and expensive if the appropriate leading-edge tools aren’t utilised. We have all experienced scrambling around on reporting day, trying to find data in different locations to pull together. This isn’t an efficient way of spending your time.  

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft’s Power BI is a recognised application which enhances reporting capabilities. It can take away your headaches by pulling through data automatically and securely, and to top this, it integrates with the Microsoft suite of products.  

Evolve your decision making by using data intelligence. The data already exists, go the extra mile and present your data in a visual manner, making key statistics easier to digest. 

No more fears around out of date data, manual data input, user error and complex traditional reports. Teams can collaborate together by using visual and interactive reports to gain actionable insights. 

Implementing applications can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.  Working with trusted partners to plan, deliver and maintain business solutions is the practical way forward. As part of Acora’s Managed Service, a business analyst will work with you to scope out your business objectives, identify the gaps, understand readiness and carry out the implementation. Ongoing maintenance and continuous improvement is also key to ensure that you are utilising key features as part of the service.  
