Gated Content The Future of Disruptive Tech GenAI is the game-changer that’s not just knocking on the door—it’s kicking it wide open. As disruptive technologies step in to automate the repetitive, transform industries, redefine workflows, and offer massive advantages for companies that dare to embrace its potential, what does the future hold? Dive in and discover how this disruptive technology is reshaping the landscape of knowledge work. Read now
Gated Content The Pivotal Role of a Managed SOC 70% of medium-sized businesses reported breaches or attempted cyber-attacks within the last 12 months. In the UK, the total annual cost of cybercrimes for businesses is £21 million. You can’t hide from those numbers, so how can a best-of-breed Managed SOC play a part in reducing them? Read now
CIO Report 2022 Building on the success of the 2021 survey, we reached out to CIOs and other IT leaders in organisations across the UK to get a sense of the challenges they’re facing such as hybrid working, and how they see things developing over the coming months. Read now
Gated Content A Guide to Right-Sized Cyber Security All too often, we see CISOs taking a ‘product-centric’ approach to cyber security. By that we mean identifying a need, then simply buying the most expensive, best-in-class solution – often precisely because it’s the latest-and-greatest. Except that’s not true. There is no one solution that suits everyone. Instead, we want to introduce and encourage a risk based, right-sizing approach to cyber security. Read now
Gated Content Service Desk Outsourcing Deciding whether to outsource all or part of the IT support function, such as the IT service desk, is a common consideration amongst organisations of all sizes. In our outsourcing considerations, we’ve highlighted some of the key areas to consider when evaluating the option of service desk outsourcing. Read now
Gated Content Successful IT & Cyber Projects Guide Cyber Security and IT projects often fail due to unclear objectives, unrealistic schedules, inadequate resources, poor project management, and stakeholder disengagement. With 75% of business and IT executives thinking their software projects will fail, we dissect why so many projects are at risk of failing and how to overcome these alarmingly high stats. Read now
Gated Content Successful M&A IT Integration Most research indicates that only 50% of M&A deals actually result in an increase in overall shareholder value. Having assisted organisations with this challenge over the years, we’ve put together 10 top tips to highlight some of the key areas to consider in order to make any merger or acquisition IT project a success. Read now
Cyber Security & Objectives Alignment Acora's Head of Enterprise Security, Simon Crumplin and Head of Cyber Services, James Fernley, recently sat down with Citreno's Founder & CEO, Svetla Yankova, to explore what it really takes to build and manage a modern-day SOC. Listen now