CIO Report 2021 Building on the success of 2020’s inaugural survey and Covid-19 naturally shaping both our survey questions and the results, we’ve attempted to look beyond the pandemic at the longer-term changes that will affect the CIO role in the future. Read now
Gated Content Successful M&A IT Integration Most research indicates that only 50% of M&A deals actually result in an increase in overall shareholder value. Having assisted organisations with this challenge over the years, we’ve put together 10 top tips to highlight some of the key areas to consider in order to make any merger or acquisition IT project a success. Read now
Gated Content Service Desk Outsourcing Deciding whether to outsource all or part of the IT support function, such as the IT service desk, is a common consideration amongst organisations of all sizes. In our outsourcing considerations, we’ve highlighted some of the key areas to consider when evaluating the option of service desk outsourcing. Read now
Gated Content A Guide to Managed Cloud Services 77% of businesses in the UK are investing in advanced technologies like the cloud and AI – cloud vendors are rapidly integrating more AI services, including cloud-based AI chatbots. In our Managed Cloud Guide, we unpack what solutions are out there and how to assess what your organisation needs for immediate and future needs. Read now
Gated Content Successful IT & Cyber Projects Guide Cyber Security and IT projects often fail due to unclear objectives, unrealistic schedules, inadequate resources, poor project management, and stakeholder disengagement. With 75% of business and IT executives thinking their software projects will fail, we dissect why so many projects are at risk of failing and how to overcome these alarmingly high stats. Read now
Gated Content A Step Change in IT Experience We believe it is time for radical change. We as an industry, and you as customers, have never seriously questioned the SLA and its role. Until now. Introducing Experience 360™ from Acora – a game-changing new service that sits above your traditional managed IT service and conventional SLAs. Read now
Gated Content Risk vs. Threat: A Strategic Approach The extent to which we understand ourselves—and, more importantly, our adversaries—has become increasingly critical, as cyber threats are no longer a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when.’ This discourse ventures into the realm of cyber security, focusing on the tangible and... Read now
Gated Content CIO Report 2023 As CIOs and IT and Security leaders’ roles rapidly become more diverse, evidence from our report expressed that cutting through the noise is a shared challenge for many professionals in the IT and Cyber space. Continuing to build on the priorities and shared challenges of the UK mid-market, explore our yearly report below. Read now