Gated Content Bringing the IT Experience to Life As we explained in our first guide, there’s a growing awareness in our industry about the importance of the employee experience. Having looked at the ‘why’ of improving your people’s IT experience, this follow-up paper gets into the ‘how’, introducing new technology, metrics, people and thinking to create our Experience 360™ service. Read now
Gated Content What Is In Our Chief AI Officer’s Toolkit Since OpenAI launched ChatGPT in 2022, a wave of AI startups has emerged, each offering tools that promise to simplify processes and boost productivity. But how effective is Generative AI really in the workplace? Our Chief AI Officer highlights the top tools that make a real difference in daily work, while also pointing out which ones are simply riding the AI trend without adding much value. Read now
CIO Report 2022 Building on the success of the 2021 survey, we reached out to CIOs and other IT leaders in organisations across the UK to get a sense of the challenges they’re facing such as hybrid working, and how they see things developing over the coming months. Read now
Gated Content Keeping up with endpoint threats Ever-growing cyber threats are a concern for everyone. But for IT leaders, the pressure has been ramped up to a new level. Tackling this can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Let’s go back to basics and start with endpoint protection. Read now
Gated Content Deploying The User Experience In our previous guides, we’ve set out the background to creating a step change in your people’s IT experience. This third and final guide offers a glimpse into what living and working with h Experience 360™ looks like in practice, what differences you can expect to see from day one, and where the experience journey can take you over time. Read now
Gated Content Risk vs. Threat: A Strategic Approach The extent to which we understand ourselves—and, more importantly, our adversaries—has become increasingly critical, as cyber threats are no longer a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when.’ This discourse ventures into the realm of cyber security, focusing on the tangible and... Read now
Gated Content A Guide to Right-Sized Cyber Security All too often, we see CISOs taking a ‘product-centric’ approach to cyber security. By that we mean identifying a need, then simply buying the most expensive, best-in-class solution – often precisely because it’s the latest-and-greatest. Except that’s not true. There is no one solution that suits everyone. Instead, we want to introduce and encourage a risk based, right-sizing approach to cyber security. Read now
Gated Content Successful M&A IT Integration Most research indicates that only 50% of M&A deals actually result in an increase in overall shareholder value. Having assisted organisations with this challenge over the years, we’ve put together 10 top tips to highlight some of the key areas to consider in order to make any merger or acquisition IT project a success. Read now