Powering IT Transformation with O365 The humble Microsoft productivity suite Office 365 may not seem like the logical starting point for IT transformation – but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. The speaker from Microsoft was keen to…
We sent three of our techies to the Microsoft Tech Summit in Birmingham last week. In the first of a series of blogs reporting back on the key takeaways from the sessions, Dave Murphy, one of Acora’s Enterprise Architects, reports…
Security continues to be the number one concern for businesses adopting Cloud services. The 2016 IDG Enterprise Cloud Computing Survey found that these worries are still a major barrier to adoption – but CIOs are slowly becoming more comfortable with…
I sat with Lee Ganly, Acora CTO in some of the sessions at IP Expo and it made for an interesting day. The main thread was the continual move to cloud and how it is disruptive to the industry due to it’s pace of continual function and service improvement as well as it’s agility in supporting business change in so many sectors.
With the fast pace of innovation constantly accelerating, it’s becoming increasingly expensive to keep investing in the latest and greatest IT solutions. By turning to Microsoft Azure and the cloud, you can invest in technology without risk and without expanding your budget
Backups and data protection in general has been an ongoing challenge for organisations for years. Investment in suitable hardware and software isn’t cheap and only lasts for so many years before it’s superseded by the next great technical advancement – more capacity, faster throughput and wider software support to name but a few.