Joiners, movers & leavers processes (JML) are critical to information security, hardware asset management and relationship building between your Support Team and IT users. All too often, the responsibility for maintaining a smooth process is unclear. Leaving both users and the support team frustrated, costing your organisation excess money and exposing security with unnecessary risks to your business.

Why JML Needs Processes

When a new starter joins your organisation, their first impression of your IT Support Team will be based on the success of your joiners’ process. Getting the new user onboarded swiftly and with the right tools to do their job will result in a good relationship from the outset. In order to get it right, formal processes need to be defined in advance from the top down so that set profiles for each user type are agreed and ready to be implemented in a timely manner.

Creating a successful joiners and movers process means you will need to consider everyone who uses and access your equipment and assets. This includes contractors and 3rd parties who utilise your assets.

How to create and manage a solid Joiners, Leavers and Movers process

1. Collaboration:

The first step is to identify your stakeholders. Ensuring line managers, facilities management and end users all know their part in taking responsibility for assets, requests and updates as much as your IT Support Team does.

2. Automation: (Active Directory)

One of the biggest pitfalls in any process is human error. Automation based on defined parameters can prevent many problems. Creating user accounts using Active Directory, for example, takes much of the time and potential for mistakes out of the equation.

3. Database Management:

Create and maintain a database with asset register locations and usernames so you know where hardware is and which software assets and accounts are needed. Failure in finding the asset might mean it is lost or stolen, or it’s languishing in a Line Manager’s drawer ready for the next employee.

4. Monthly Audits:

The data on joiners and leavers relies on human input. A monthly audit can plug any gaps in your asset database. In addition to checking the automated data created by your directory, it can be very useful to implement a simple questionnaire to go to end users, checking what they have access to, what they still need, and if anything is lost or stolen.

5. Make End-User Reporting Easy:

An easy method will help them in reporting lost or stolen items and ensuring everyone understands the importance of it. Getting the Joiners and Leavers processes right is highly satisfying and beneficial for the whole organisation. Saving everyone time, saving costs, managing risks and giving end users a good service impacts all business units, not just IT Support.

What’s more, having stringent security management can help you achieve ISO20071 Accreditation and set the tone with new joiners on the importance of security matters in your organisation.

If you are looking for more advice on how to successfully implement joiners, leavers and movers processes, we are happy to help. Please feel free to contact us. Acora is a UK based, award-winning managed IT services, specialist cyber security and technology company, with more than 30 years’ experience. More than 300 clients trust Acora with the responsibility for part or all of their IT, from solutions design to support.


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