• Windows 11 Journey

    Windows 11 – How the OS upgrade journey has changed

    How to introduce Windows 11 is a key question for IT leaders. Although the overall method of getting from Windows 10 to Windows 11 hasn’t changed, you’ll need to test the new OS – first with IT, then with pilot…

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  • acquisition


    We are delighted to confirm our acquisition of M9 Limited – a thriving and forward-looking IT services provider with over 40 staff, and nearly 100 long-term contracted customers. Based in London, M9 also has an established offshore team in Kuala…

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  • User Experience

    The Light of Experience

    As CIOs, we have a general sense of how people feel about IT. Some of this knowledge comes from formal measures like CSAT but we’re also plugged into anecdotal feedback when considering user experience. While it’s useful to know that…

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  • Windows 365

    Windows 365 – do I need it?

    You could be forgiven for missing Windows 365, even if you pay attention to the IT news. Partly, I suppose, because Microsoft chose to release it during the summer holidays! And really, it’s a pretty simple concept: a PC-per-individual, in…

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  • The CIO Dilemma

    The CIO Dilemma: Experience Counts

    We’re all familiar with The CIO Dilemma: ensuing zero IT problems day-to-day, while delivering the transformational change the business’s digital ambitions demand – simultaneously, with the same resources. The CIO Dilemma has been with us for at least a decade,…

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  • Microphone in the middle


    In today’s IT market, there is a very simple calculus: get big; get niche – or get out. At Acora, we have chosen the second option, focusing on clients either with a high enterprise value relative to their physical corporate…

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  • knowlege

    Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail – and how to fix yours

    Getting your Knowledge Management System up to scratch might feel daunting, but once you have the process underway, your time investment will be repaid tenfold. Read my tips for Knowledge Management success to get back on track today. Knowledge Management…

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  • Data catches

    Making Data Work

    In IT terms, the concept of Big Data has been around for a very long time. But when it was first coined in the ancient past (around 2005) no one had any real idea of just how much raw data…

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  • Protecting the Innocent

    For us as IT professionals, the deceptively simple term ‘security’ encompasses a vast range of tasks and topics. And after spending all day dealing with firewalls, Web Application Gateways, anti-virus, anti-malware, proxy services, tenancy restrictions, just-in-time admin access, password vaults,…

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