An easy target for hackers today


Web application attacks pose one of the greatest risks to an organisation.

Despite this, most security budgets are typically spent elsewhere on either securing or monitoring the perimeter and endpoints. As a result, the bad guys have found it easier to sneak in through vulnerabilities in web applications.

Modern organisations deploy a plethora of web applications, ranging from external-facing corporate websites, customer portals, shopping carts, and login pages to internal-facing HR portals. Accessible from any location, web applications today are an easy target for hackers, who can exploit vulnerabilities within these business-critical applications and gain access to back-end corporate databases.

Don't let security be an afterthought

Identify Application Vulnerabilities at any point

Acora provides a Software-as-a-Service platform that enables your business to quickly deploy a scalable web security program. The service enables customers to request an on-demand review of their internet-facing web applications at any point in the development, testing or production processes, helping them to understand the vulnerabilities and select remediation options.


The pressure to deliver applications on time can often mean that security is left as an afterthought, however this can result in security breaches. Application security must be incorporated into all supporting business processes. Whether as an advisor to your existing team or provider of dedicated security services, Acora will help you establish alignment of application security with your business, automating the discovery of vulnerabilities and providing 24x7x365 automatic application security testing.

Application Security Testing Benefits

  • All types of testing available across the entire Software Development Life Cycle
  • Removes high upfront CapEx costs
  • Scalable testing with near-zero false positives
  • Stronger security governance in place for your business
  • Increased business agility
Utilising a combined Approach


Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) tests an application for security vulnerabilities in its running state, such as Cross-site Scripting (XSS), that could subject the enterprise to attack.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) analyses the code with the aim of identifying vulnerabilities before launch, to result in more secure and reliable applications. Gartner argues that the target should be a combination of both:

Next-generation modern web and mobile applications require a combination of SAST and DAST techniques. Interactive application security testing approaches have emerged that combine static and dynamic techniques to improve testing.

IAST Benefits

  • Allows for earlier, less costly fixes within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Provides accurate results for fast triage
  • Pinpoints the exact source of any vulnerabilities 
  • Integrates easily into continuous integration (CI) and continuous development (CD) tools