ISO 27001 is the international standard for Information Security Management. By attaining compliance, this showcases an organisations ongoing capability to proactively evaluate its information security risk posture and effectively manage that risk in alignment with its risk appetite. This demonstrates a strong emphasis on the governance and upkeep of the Information Security Management System (ISMS).
Nonetheless, organisations can become overly focused on meeting the controls and overlook the broader perspective. There have been numerous instances where management systems have been unable to obtain or sustain ISO 27001 certification. Not due to a lack of well-defined and optimised security controls, but rather because they have failed to demonstrate their ability and dedication to continuously manage, monitor, maintain, and enhance their information security management system.
A clear assessment of your security status
We’ve seen many organisations with their own cyber risk services division get breached even though they were ISO 27001 certified.
While ISO 27001 can give you a framework for strengthening your security, it requires you to continuously improve and periodically reassess what your policy says you’re doing and how well you’re doing it. This is why many organisations prefer to hire an independent, unbiased third party to help with this audit process. One that has both insight and impartiality to provide a clearer assessment of the organisation’s information security status.
In the current era of rapidly increasing and constantly evolving cyber threats, the ability to identify, adapt, and respond to information security risks has become more crucial than ever. This is particularly important for customers, investors, and regulators, who place a high value on organisations’ ability to effectively address their risks.
We begin by identifying your organisations’ end goals and guiding you through all activities required to achieve certification of compliance.
Project Initiation – A project kick off meeting provides a comprehensive project plan and schedule of on-site and remote audits, as well as an interview schedule and project updates.
Information Gathering & Assessment – Secure online collaboration tools are used for the transitory sharing of information.
Stage 1 – We perform a 27001 review to establish likelihood of certification. A report is provided by you, noting activities performed, results of the testing, as well as project next steps required to be certain of certification.
Stage 2 – The external body performs the 27001 review, which should result in formal certification.
Reporting, Deliverables & Project Completion – Effective communication and timely coordination of certification planning activities are central to our process.
Ongoing Audit & Assessment – Whilst certification may be the main goal of the initial project, ongoing assessments will ensure continuing compliance through certification and sustained security. Penetration testing is also important for ISO 27001 compliance because the findings provide a basis upon which security measures can be improved and maintained.
- Working with a trusted provider maintains an organisation's own integrity to the safeguarding of its data.
- Installs confidence further down the supply chain, resulting in stronger customer and supplier relationships.
- Avoids incidents, fines and any financial impact that comes with them.
- Achieves smoother running operations with responsibilities and processes clearly defined.
- Having appropriate access controls in place lowers the risk of accidental exposure of confidential information to employees.
- Clearly and precisely define roles and responsibilities to enhance job satisfaction and productivity.