Security continues to be the number one concern for businesses adopting Cloud services. The 2016 IDG Enterprise Cloud Computing Survey found that these worries are still a major barrier to adoption – but CIOs are slowly becoming more comfortable with hosted services.

Data sovereignty

The power and resilience of the Cloud lies in the distributed datacentre network on which client accounts are hosted; often this infrastructure is spread across the world for maximum availability. Concerns about Brexit, the Trump administration and reports of state snooping have made some CIOs reconsider where their data physically resides. In response, Microsoft has built a network of UK-based datacentres. Using Microsoft Office 365 means that customer data never leaves the UK, so it is only ever subject to the laws of this country. Keeping data in Britain greatly reduces the risk of interception by hackers or foreign governments adding an important layer of protection for your business.

Enterprise security provisions

Every Microsoft datacentre is protected by cutting-edge enterprise-grade perimeter security. Stateful firewalls and other inspection tools monitor traffic flowing in and out of each datacentre, automatically detecting and blocking suspicious activity for instance. Further protection is provided through encryption of data in transit and at rest. In the unlikely event that hackers do breach defences, they will be unable to read, let alone use, any of the information they manage to acquire.

Increased data resiliency

Unlike your own centralised datacentre, Microsoft Office 365 spreads your information across several geographically-dispersed datacentres. Should one (or more) of these hubs goes offline, your data remains available at all times. In the age of the always-open business, you need guaranteed access to your tools and information. Unless your own organisation has near-unlimited funds to build a multi-site infrastructure, you cannot hope to achieve the same levels of resilience. And you certainly cannot do it for the less than the cost of an Office 365 subscription.

High profile customers

Decision-makers can take some comfort from Microsoft’s high profile customer base. Marks and Spencer, British Airways and even the UK Parliament trust Office 365 to protect some of the country’s most sensitive data. Although you should carry out your own due diligence before committing to a subscription, the fact that government bodies use Office 365 should provide some comfort.

Multi Factor Authentication made simple

Although absolutely essential, passwords remain one of the most serious weak points in your security provisions. Microsoft Office 365 provides a suite of tools that allow to deploy multi factor authentication (MFA) quickly and effectively, adding additional layers of security on top of passwords. Among the simplest to use MFA options is text message confirmation – when they log in, users are sent a code via SMS that needs to be entered on the Office 365 website before they can access data. Even if a hacker does crack the password, they will also need the user’s physical mobile phone if they are to compromise your security. And if SMS is not secure enough, there are other MFA options available to provide the same level of protection.

Your security is paramount

Microsoft know exactly how important security is to your IT strategy, which is why they have invested so heavily in protections for your data. To learn more about how Office 365 can help your business reach its strategic goals without compromising the security of your data, please get in touch.

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