The 21st century has been privy to some monumental data breaches, even companies which funnel large budgets into cybersecurity and data protection. Yahoo, Apple and LinkedIn have all been targeted by cyber-criminals and this has got smaller organisations worried about how the cloud is storing their sensitive information.

Companies of all sizes are subject to data breaches. However, businesses which have a higher risk include those which:

  • Have employees who work remotely
  • Frequently share data and files outside of the business
  • Are unsure of their cloud storage service

Maintaining data safety

No business is immune to attack. Even companies who spend unfathomable amounts of money on cloud security fall foul of cyberattacks. Every company of every size, utilising the cloud, should employ a number of techniques to prevent disasters from happening or deterring threats as much as possible. These include:

Secure passwords

When setting up business accounts that need passwords, ensure they are 10 or more characters in length and aren’t identical across all platforms. Avoid obvious favourites such as ‘password’ or ‘12345’ as hackers will clock this within a matter of seconds and set to work. A mix of upper and lowercase letters along with special symbols and numbers is the best combination to make your password as secure as possible.

Limited access

Every member of staff should only have access for the data they need to perform their job. Not everybody needs to see every file, particularly documents that are sensitive such as accounts or invoicing. Encryption keys should be set up to make sure individuals can only access the areas they need to see.

Backup sensitive data

Whilst storing your business data in the cloud and syncing files is effective, there is no harm in utilising an external hard drive as a backup option. Covering both options but relying on the cloud is a great way to guarantee your company will have access to all data in the event of a disaster.

Separate personal data

Whilst it can be expensive, ensure that colleagues and staff don’t use any of their personal devices for work purposes. Work phones, tablets and laptops should be used for anything that is work related to keep private data safe.


Passwords and zip files go a long way to keeping business data safe but utilising encryption software will add another layer of protection. Encryption software converts information or data into a code that only authorised personnel can access. This ensures sensitive data is only being seen by staff who need to see it whilst being safe from hackers.

Whilst it is common knowledge that no storage system is fail-proof the cloud is undoubtedly the most secure method available currently. Any issues surrounding the cloud are less to do with the platform itself, but more the evolution of hackers and cyber-attacks.

Putting the points above into action will help maintain the integrity of the cloud and ensure security is as good as it could be.

If you would like to discover more about the EMS services we offer, call us today on 020 3974 8812 or complete our online enquiry form.


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