• We need stronger measures for maritime cyber security in ports and terminals

    The Need for Stronger Cyber Security Measures in Ports and Terminals

    When you think of a cyber attack on a vessel you might assume that the majority of incidents take place whilst the ship is at sea, perhaps thinking it is more vulnerable then. However research by RightShip reports that 50% of cyber…

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  • Data that is loved tends to survive

    Data that is loved, tends to survive.

    In everyday life, we are driven by data. And it isn’t just the role of technical engineers to deliver that information anymore. Today, you will find that hundreds of industry leaders and organisations worldwide are leaning on the power that…

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  • Cyber Trends: A look into 2023

    Keeping up with the latest attack vector trends is a challenge for organisations worldwide as they battle an ever-evolving threat landscape and a rapidly growing attack surface. So, following our successful acquisition of Secrutiny, we polled our cyber experts and…

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  • why schools are prime targets for cyber attacks

    Why is the education sector a soft target for cyber attacks?

    In recent years, schools, colleges and universities have become increasingly reliant on technology to facilitate learning and communication. With the shift to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this trend has only accelerated. However, as education establishments embrace technology,…

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