• IT Project Failures. A Guide to Successful Cyber Security and IT Projects & Why They Fail

    A Guide to Successful Cyber Security and IT Projects & Why They Fail

    The rate of cyber security and IT project failures is astounding. One recent publication by APE PM highlighted that 75% of business and IT executives think their software projects will fail despite one in six IT projects having an average…

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  • Cyber security Buyers Guide

    Cyber Security Buyers Guide

    Right-sized cyber security: a buyers guide… Banish the ‘product-centric’ mindset. Instead choose a right-sized, risk-management approach to cyber security. All too often, we see CISOs taking a ‘product-centric’ approach to cyber security. By that we mean identifying a need, then…

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  • Managed SOC Guide - Acora Ltd

    Managed SOC: An Expert Guide

    Managed SOC: An Expert Guide 70% of medium-sized businesses reported breaches or attempted cyber attacks within the last 12 months. In the UK, the total annual cost of cybercrimes for businesses is £21 million. You can’t hide from those numbers,…

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  • CIO Report Resource Page

    Acora CIO Report 2023

    We are thrilled to share that our latest CIO Report is back by popular demand and is now available to download. The report continues to build on the priorities and shared challenges of CIOs and IT Leaders in the UK…

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  • Keeping up with endpoint threats

    Keeping up with endpoint threats

    Ever-growing cyber threats are a concern for everyone. But for IT leaders, the pressure has been ramped up to a new level. DON’T BE BLINDSIDED Don’t worry, you are not alone. Experience, talent and advanced toolsets are a great combination…

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