Managed SOC Services - Acora Managed Security Operations Centre

Managed SOC Services

Gartner benchmarked and best-of-breed, our Managed SOC performs key security functions to enhance your cyber security posture
A Modern SOC Architecture with meaningful Security Monitoring


There is an ever-increasing need to be better than our adversaries, which means detecting threats and enacting containment strategies instantaneously to reduce the impact of cyber-attacks. 

Acora’s Managed Security Operations Centre (SOC) Service is geared towards doing just that. Monitoring the security of an organisation’s supported environment for cyber threats, conducting triage, investigating and responding to security incidents and providing reports, our Managed SOC Service establishes a robust and effective cyber security defence mechanism for your organisation.

By continuously monitoring the network traffic, systems, and applications, our Managed SOC aims to promptly identify and respond to potential security threats, ensuring business continuity and safeguarding sensitive data.

A need for 24/7 Security Provisioning

Meaningful Security Monitoring to Reduce Risk

Most organisations will begin the process of exploring a Managed SOC service to solely fulfil a compliance or governance ask from within the business. However, there are also several other reasons why organisations seek a Managed SOC service.

Acora’s Managed SOC service is utilising a best-of-breed service at the lowest price match in the market. We use Enterprise Technology and bring it to the Mid-Market to help with a competitive price point. We made a conscious decision to lead by this approach as we’d noticed that our competitors were using Open-Source Technology or cheaper implementation technologies, which have a low barrier entry to business investment when setting up a Managed SOC service.

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Enabling you and your organisation to be more successful

Proactively Supporting IT and Security Leaders

By choosing a cyber partner like Acora, we enable business leaders to be more successful. As a trusted partner, we want our customers to put their faith in Acora and our capabilities. 

The CIO role: How is time being spent?

The CIO role: How is time being spent?

At Acora, we know that CIOs are spending most of their time trying to fix cyber problems instead of focusing on innovating within their business. We also know that CIOs  spend 80% of their time managing suppliers to ensure they do their job.

Wouldn’t it be nice if 20% is spent on supplier management and 80% is spent focused on their CIO role? 

Our SOC makes use of recorded future and picus

We make use of Recorded Future and Picus

We do not see competitors using the same level of sophistication in terms of leveraging powerful partners and their technology capabilities. We make use of Recorded Future, an enterprise threat intelligence technology solution made available for the mid-market.

We also work with third-parties to able to mark performance such as Picus, who enables us to certify our Managed SOC Service is delivering against board-level concerns.

Achieving success together for the long-run

Achieving success together for the long-run

  • We want to help our customers sleep better at night
  • We want to allow CIOs to concentrate on business transformation
  • We want to allow organisations to know their Managed SOC is able to perform and do the right things

Since onboarding, Montagu Evans has realised significant benefits for our business, including 24/7/365 monitoring of our environment and enhanced threat intelligence reporting, which informs our risk register and roadmap for risk mitigation. While we know we can never fully block all threats to our environment, we have confidence in the Acora SOC team. Having the right Partner in Acora alongside us provides a high degree of comfort to both me and the business.

Rob Sanders
Director of Technology and Data
Montagu Evans
Determine the level of security service and protection you need

Approaching security as a long-term and strategic investment

Partners like ourselves and other third-party relationships are now speaking with their customers regularly and asking if they have a security monitoring provision. In today’s modern world, organisations need 24/7 provisioning from partners to contract and supply the cost of doing business, all focused around reducing risk and moving toward a more strategic investment rather than an immediate fix.

A comprehensive SOC will include a Managed SIEM and SOAR tooling, which can seem more complex but are needed in organisations that have complex IT environments, multiple assets to protect or industry specific monitoring and reporting requirements for compliance purposes. Organisations benefit from specialised expertise and centralised security operations, enhancing overall cyber security posture and closing up holes in visibility, detection and response stack.

Key Questions to support your research

Managed SOC FAQs

Managed SOC Services perform key security functions to enhance an organisations cyber security posture through detection, response and continuous functions. This is achieved through monitoring the security of an organisations supported environment for cyber threats, conducting triage, investigating and responding to security incidents and providing reports, utilising standard systems and processes.

These 24×7 services include:

  • Log Analysis and Correlation: SOC analysts will analyse and correlate log data from various sources to identify patterns and potential security breaches, ensuring timely response and threat resolution.
  • Proactive Threat Detection: Advanced threat intelligence tools and techniques will be employed to detect emerging threats, zero-day vulnerabilities, and other potential risks before they escalate.
  • Threat Hunting: The SOC team will actively search for hidden threats that may evade traditional security measures, enhancing the overall detection capabilities.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Regular reports and dashboards will be provided to the customer’s management, detailing the security posture, incident trends, and actionable insights for continuous improvement.


Managed SOC providers use a combination of advanced technologies, such as security information and event management (SIEM) systems, endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools, and threat intelligence platforms, along with a team of security experts to monitor, detect, analyse, and respond to cyber security threats in real-time.

Key benefits include access to specialised security expertise, cost savings compared to building and operating an in-house SOC, round-the-clock monitoring and response, improved detection of sophisticated threats, and support for regulatory compliance requirements. 

Managed SOC services can protect against a wide range of cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, insider threats, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and more. They can also help manage vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.

A Managed SOC can complement and significantly enhance the capabilities of your existing security team by providing additional expertise, tools, and round-the-clock monitoring services. In some cases, small and medium-sized businesses may rely on a Managed SOC as their primary cyber security solution due to resource constraints.

Unlike a traditional in-house SOC that requires significant investment in infrastructure, tools, and staffing, a Managed SOC is provided as a service by an external vendor. This model offers scalability, cost efficiency, and access to a broader range of expertise and technologies.

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